
song six on After Six Days

Now I can hear Him but I still need Him to help me to not miss the truths He is planting in me, truths that enable me to learn and grow and love. 

Sowing. (Mark 4:3-10, Matthew 6:19-34).  I wrote in my journal Oct. 29, 2004 “Father, I'm reading Your word but missing it somehow…I understand what I'm reading, but it's flowing past me, going around, not touching me, not going in…will You help me move these words past my hard, unhearing heart today, break up my rocky ground, help me move the stones, so that Your word has a good place to fall.  Soil, moist and soft that can receive you - Lord, please help me to hear You”.  And right after that I wrote “I want to build my house on the rock”…and all that is now the first verse and the bridge.  The next day, I was thinking about all the friends we had made in Siberia and what a privilege it was to know them and I told the Lord  (I wrote to Him in my journal) how glad I would be to stand before Him with them one day, and wasn't that part of the treasure He tells us to store up in heaven…. and then I wrote the words to the second verse.   The chorus is something  I had written in the fall of 1998 and sang to myself by itself for many years.  It found a good home here with these verses and bridge.  

This is another kind of transforming and transformation, it's not enough to just hear Him, I don't want to just receive His words and then have them eaten or choked out, but for them to grow and bear fruit in my life.    I need Him to help me to not miss the truths He is sowing in me, that enable me to learn and grow and love. 

My first name for “Sowing” was “kingdoms and treasures”.  It was just a throwaway name, I needed something to call it and a good name for it wasn't presenting itself.  Then I started calling it “Planting” - which is the word I actually use in the song…but that evolved to “Sowing” - even though the word isn't used in the song, it's more poetic and is the word that is used in the passage.  

Sowing Lyrics 

I'm hearing what You say, still missing it somehow

I know what I hear, but it's flowing past, going around 

Plant Your words into my hard unhearing heart

Break up my rocky ground, help me move the stones

so Your words have a place to fall…


I want to build my house on the Rock 

but I don't want my heart to be one

Planting is so rough when the soil's hard

And I like to talk about 

how much I want to see You

but then I'm afriad to let You touch my foolish heart.

Well I want Your Kingdom to come in me

give me ears to hear, eyes to see

that there's still so much more You could do in me

Take Your words and plant them in my heart

Teach me to seek Your Kingdom here 

as I store up my treasure in heaven

and though I can't be there with You, yet

I know that You are here with me

You are here with me


You've given me such good friends 

now teach me please to be one

something moth and rust cannot destroy

My treasure is love and friends

and it waits for me in heaven

I want my heart to be there with You, Lord.

Teach me to store my treasure there

give me a heart to love while I'm here 

and let my heart wait with You for me there

Take Your words and plant them in my heart

Teach me to seek Your Kingdom here

as I store up my treasure in heaven

and though I can't be there with You, yet

I know that You are here with me

You are here with me

You are my treasure, Lord 


The treasure that the world offers around me

pulls on my fickle heart but

life is more important than food the

body more important than clothes

why do I worry and let these thorns grow up?

Why do I hold back from Your touch 

that would hurt but break up my hard ground and

rip all these thorns out and

make room there for Your love to grow in me now 

Let Your Kingdom come in me here and now

Take Your words and plant them in my heart

Teach me to seek Your Kingdom here 

as I store up my treasure in heaven

And though I can't be there with You, yet

I know that You are here with me

You are here with me

You are here with me. 

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